[dropcaps]T[/dropcaps]he Coastal Compass Center has partnered with Workforce Solutions to provide you with an on-hand career inventory as well as job placement assistance. Some of the other services include:
1. Provide readily available labor market information to the general public at no charge.
2. Provide career exploration resources to the general public at no charge.
3. Provide the general public with the Workforce Board Target Occupations List, Target Industries List, and Demand Occupations List for the Coastal Bend Workforce area.
4. Assess student eligibility for financial assistance through workforce programs.
5. Assist Education and Training ‘Graduates’ with job placement assistance.
6. Enroll eligible youth in Emerging Leadership Initiative (Project ELI).
7. Participate with other Coastal Compass partners in workforce and career related events that benefit the community. Event participation is subject to availability of resources at the time of the event.
8. Provide Career Ready workshops for “graduating” students through existing workshop schedules, at no charge to the Coastal Compass partners.
9. Provide workforce funded employees to staff the workforce operations at the Coastal Compass center during regular business hours, excepting holidays. Staffing operations will be based on a mutual agreement of the participating agencies, and may involve minimal cross-training.
So why not stop in today and work with a Workforce Solutions representative?
[titlebox button=”Get it now” link=”https://www.coastalcompass.org/WFSCB.docx” title=”Download the Brochure” icon=”download-alt” subtitle=”Find out a little more about Workforce Solutions and how they can help you.”]