
NCCER workshop

06mar3:30 pm4:30 pmNCCER workshop

Event Details

Craft Training Center is at Coastal Compass today to guide you into an NCCER certification!  What is NCCER?  Why do I need to be certified?

Come by the Center to ask questions and get more information.


CTCCB holds three semesters per year that run approximately 14 weeks each (Spring/Summer/Fall)

Each semester consists of 84 contact hours, and depending when the course is offered, classes meet on either (Monday & Wednesday) and/or (Tuesday & Thursday) evenings from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.

In addition, all first semester students must attend a mandatory 14 week NCCER Core course on Tuesday evenings.

Currently, there are 8 levels of Welding, 4 levels of Pipefitting, 6 levels of Instrumentation (3 Instrument Fitter & 3 Instrument Tech), 3 levels of Mobile Crane, 2 levels of Industrial Painting, 2 levels for Construction Site Safety Technician, and 1 level of Scaffolding.

All courses are accredited by NCCER. Upon completion of each craft level, test scores and performance verification’s are transmitted to NCCER. The completed work becomes a part of the student’s individual NCCER transcript record maintained by NCCER’s Registry System.

In addition to NCCER credit, students are concurrently enrolled at Del Mar College for Adult Continuing Education Credit. Enrollment for the adult semesters averages between 325 and 400 students.


Coastal Compass Education & Career Resource Center

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